
Vegetable crops have a long history of cultivation worldwide and rich germplasm resources. With its continuous development and progress, molecular biology technology has been applied to various fields of vegetable crop research. Fruit is an important organ in vegetable crops, and fruit shape can affect the yield and commercialization of vegetables. In nature, fruits show differences in size and shape. Based on fruit shape diversity, the growth direction and coordination mechanism of fruits remain unclear. In this review, we discuss the latest research on fruit shape. In addition, we compare the current theories on the molecular mechanisms that regulate fruit growth, size, and shape in different vegetable families.


  • The diversity of plant fruit morphology is related to the adaptation to environmental changes during evolution

  • Dry dehiscent fruits are mainly distributed in Cruciferae crops, whereas fleshy fruits are found in Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae, and Asteraceae

  • Understanding the diversity of vegetable fruit morphology and their molecular regulatory mechanism will provide a basis for molecular biology research on vegetable fruit shape

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The diversity of plant fruit morphology is related to the adaptation to environmental changes during evolution. Dry dehiscent fruits are mainly distributed in Cruciferae crops, whereas fleshy fruits are found in Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae, and Asteraceae. Understanding the diversity of vegetable fruit morphology and their molecular regulatory mechanism will provide a basis for molecular biology research on vegetable fruit shape. Sci. 2022, 12, 1514 their molecular regulatory mechanism will provide a basis for molecular biology research on vegetable fruit shape. IInn ggeenneerraall,, cceellll ddeevveellooppmmeenntt mmaaininlylyooccccuurrssdduueettoocchhaannggeess iinn iinntteerrnnaall cceellll sshhaappee aanndd ffrruuiitt ssttrruuccttuurree,,wwhhiicchhaaffffeecctttthhee ddeevveeloloppmmeennttooffffrruuiittsshhaappeeiinnaa ppaarrttiiccuullaarr ddiirreeccttiioonn. Tsthaegethiisrdthsetacgelel eisxpthaenscieolln peexrpioadn,sidounripnegriwodh,icdhurcienlglswexhpicahndcemllsoerxeptahnadn m20o-froeltdha[3n0,2301-]f;otldhis[3s0t,a3r1t]s; fthroismsttahretsefnrdomof ththeeseecnodnodfstthaegeseacnodndcosntatigneuaensduncotinlttihneuefisrsutnwtiel ethkebfeifrosrtewtheeekmbaetfuorree ptheerimodatbuergeinpse.riTohde fourth stage involves fruit maturity. At this stage, the size and shape of the fruit show no change, but the aroma, color, texture, and internal biochemical components transform rapidly [32,33]. The duration and rate of cell proliferation determine the number of cells, whereas cell expansion determines the final size [36]

Genetic and Molecular Regulation Mechanisms of Vegetable Fruit Shape
Hormonal Regulation of Fruit Shapes
Conclusions and Perspectives
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