
The heritability estimates of 25 external morphometric characters and 23 craniometric indices are obtained by use of variances in monoclonal all-female triploids and bisexual tetraploids of spined loaches (genus Cobitis, Cobitidae) collected from the same breeding biotope. Most of studied traits demonstrate low heritability confirming previous conclusion on the similarity between external morphometric characters and craniological indices in relative effects of genetic and environmental components in their total phenotypic variation. Low heritability estimates in most of external morphological traits correspond to their low diagnostic value in Cobitis species. As a whole, in spite of certain deviations, studies on clonal forms do not refute the concept on higher heritability estimates in diagnostically significant traits in comparison with traits without diagnostic values in the same taxonomic group. Low heritability in most morphometric traits more probably is resulted from their low additive genetic variation caused by strong selection of evolutionary developed specific body shape in spined loaches, because strong selection should reduce the genetic variance in body proportions to minimal size. Sex differences observed in heritability estimates should be interpreted as a result of linkage of several additive genes controlling these traits to sex chromosomes. A few characters demonstrating high heritability estimates up to 0.492–0.580 are of great interest for taxonomic and phylogenetic studies in genus Cobitis and related taxa.

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