
Introduction. Th e actual problem of modern occupational health is the study of the role of exogenous and endogenous factors in the development of occupational pathology of the bronchopulmonary system. То identify groups at increased risk of developing a dusty pathology of the bronchopulmonary system, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study of clinical and genetic factors, as well as to determine the most signifi cant diagnostic markers of the development of this pathology.The aim of the study was to study the genetic status of a set of biochemical and molecular genetic markers, as well as biochemical parameters of blood and respiratory function in coal industry workers with chronic dust bronchitis and persons of the control group.Materials and methods. 115 workers of coal mines from the South of Kuzbass aged from 39 to 58 years were examined in the Clinic of the Institute. Among them — 71 people with a previously established diagnosis of chronic dust bronchitis (the main group) and 44 people of the control group of persons working in the same sanitary conditions, but not having this pathology. A complex of clinical, biochemical and genetic methods of research was used in the study, and functional parameters of the bronchopulmonary system were evaluated. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using IBM SPSS Statistics 22 soft ware. Results. Statistically signifi cant diff erences between biochemical (increase in the concentration of ceruloplasmin and α–1antitrypsin) and immunological parameters (increase in the total number of leukocytes and ESR, increase in the concentration of IgG) in miners with chronic dust bronchitis and coal industry workers without this pathology were revealed. The dependence of the functional changes of the respiratory system with the development of professional pathology is determined. Th e persons of the main group showed a statistically signifi cant decrease in functional parameters (forced exhalation per second and lung capacity), increased respiratory failure. A predisposition to the development of dust bronchitis in the owners of the HP 1–1 genotype and resistance to the formation of this pathology in persons with the HP 2–2 genotype were found. Th e study of GSTT 1 deletion polymorphism revealed that carriers of the GSTT 1 «+» variant are most susceptible to the development of chronic dust bronchitis, and owners of the GSTT 1 variant are» resistant to its formation. Th ere was a positive аssociation with the development of dust bronchitis of the holders of the MM phenotype (MN).Conclusions. When working in similar conditions, some workers have a deviation of biochemical and immunological parameters fr om the norm, as well as a violation of the respiratory system, while others have no changes. Th e response of the body to the impact of certain external adverse factors may be due to genetic predisposition or resistance to the development of the disease.


  • The actual problem of modern occupational health is the study of the role of exogenous and endogenous factors in the development of occupational pathology of the bronchopulmonary system

  • The aim of the study was to study the genetic status of a set of biochemical and molecular genetic markers, as well as biochemical parameters of blood and respiratory function in coal industry workers with chronic dust bronchitis and persons of the control group

  • Наиболее распространенным профессиональным заболеванием органов дыхания у работников угледобывающей промышленности является хронический пылевой бронхит (ХПБ) — особая форма воспаления бронхов в ответ на воздействие угольно-породной пыли, характеризующаяся нарушением эвакуаторной и секреторной функций и формированием дыхательной недостаточности [1,2,3]

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Оригинальная статья

Казицкая А.С., Панев Н.И., Ядыкина Т.К., Гуляева О.Н., Евсеева Н.А. ФГБНУ «Научно-исследовательский институт комплексных проблем гигиены и профессиональных заболеваний», ул. Genetic and biochemical aspects of formation of professional chronic dust bronchitis Research Institute for Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, 23, Kutuzova Str., Novokuznetsk, Russia, 654041

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