
White leafhopper Cofana spectra is a pest of paddy and could act as a vector of pathogenic viruses on rice. This research aims to find out its genetic data, namely its identification, nucleotide composition and its phylogenetic based on DNA barcode-mtCOI gene. The researchmethods included leafhopper sampling in rice field, DNA isolation, PCR, electrophoresis, sequencing and blasting. The software Mega X was used to analyze the genetic data. The mtCOI DNA gene sequence obtained was 333 bp in size and blasting result showed that leafhopper belongto white leafhopper Cofana spectra (Distant) species. The dendrogram from the sequence showed that white leafhopper species from Samosir island had the closest relationship with species from Kerala, India. The frequency of nucleotide of T (U), C, A and G of leafhopper were 41.96, 15.47, 28.57 and 13.98%, respectively. Therefore, this mtCOI gene sequence was rich in A/T (70.53%), while G/C was 29.45%. The information obtained from this study stated that the identification of the white leafhopper C.spectra based on molecular character using mtCOI DNA gene sequence confirmed the identification result based on the morphological traits and can be used to control and in monitoring the spread of the white leafhopper.

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