
Aim. Determination of the effect of wx mutation on the palmitate content and genetic analysis of this trait in waxy maize. Methods. In two-year experiments, 10 unrelated maize inbreds of the common type and 10 inbreds – carriers of the wx mutation were analyzed. Genetic analysis of palmitate content was carried out in the diallel crosses of 6 indreds – carriers of the wx mutation by the second Griffing method. The palmitate content was determined by Peysker’s gas chromatographic method. Results. Carriers of the wx mutation of maize exceeded the maize of common type in the content of glycerides of palmitic acid in oils. The content of palmitate in unrelated inbreds – carriers of the wx mutation was subjected to quantitative variability and ranged from 13.3 % to 16.4 %. Inheritance of palmitate content in the waxy corn was carrired out by the type of incomplete dominance with a predominant contribution of additive effects to the variation. A higher level of trait was controlled by recessive alleles of polygens. Conclusions. The obtained results suggest the presence in chromosome 9 of spatial linkage of the mutant wx gene with palmitate - coding locus, the effect of which is modified by a polygenic complex.

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