
Solving a real-world university examination timetabling is an intractable problem. Examination timetabling problems (ETP) can be defined as a problem of assigning a set of final examinations schedules to a given number of timeslots and rooms subject to a set of constraints. These constraints are usually divided into hard and soft constraints. Hard constraints must be satisfied under any circumstances. Whilst, soft constraints are not only essential but also should be satisfied as much as possible. Due to the complexity of the problem, it is usually impossible to have solutions that satisfy all soft constraints. The quality of the timetable is measured based on soft constraints violation. A weighted penalty/value is attached to each violation of the soft constraint and the objective is to minimize the total penalty value of these violations. Although there have been a numerous approaches in solving the ETP, but this paper only focus on Genetic Algorithm (GA) method based on the fact that it is robust and can fits into complex problem space. This paper gives a summary of the GA method on ETP and it aims in helping other researcher to shorten their time in understanding the application of GA in the selected problem.

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