
The article is devoted to the study of the origins and processes of approval of the mechanism of the public participation in the public administration in healthcare in Ukraine and abroad since ancient times – to the Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk 1710. To this end, the author of the article explored a number of related issues within the above chronological boundaries: firstly, the genesis of the phenomenon of the public and civil society and the historical forms of their existence and activity; secondly, the history of democracy and the diversity of its forms, first and foremost, direct, representative and participatory; thirdly, the history of healthcare formation and development in Ukraine in the context of world medicine development; fourthly, the genesis of the methods, forms, mechanisms and institutions of the public administration in the field of healthcare; fifthly, the development of the citizens’ constitutional right to participate in the administration of the public affairs, in particular in the field of public healthcare administration. The origins of government and healthcare in the countries of the ancient East (Sumer, Akkad, Egypt, China, etc.), as well as in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome are examined, and the conclusion is drawn that the Antiquity era has become not only a cradle for the Western model of democratic governance, but also contributed to the transformation of the sacral-mystical approaches in medicine to material-rationalist ones. The mechanisms of the public healthcare administration and the development of the medical science in the Arab caliphates, which are underestimated in the modern European science, are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the emergence of the public administration in healthcare, epidemics and the development of the medical education in the Medieval Europe. The peculiarities of the emergence of the first Slavic states, in particular the Kyiv principality, as well as of “Veche democracy”, are defined as a form of government based on the rule of the people. However, it is emphasized that healthcare in ancient Slavs, as in fact and in Varangians, who were invited to reign, was hardly discussed outside the family. Since the destruction of Kyiv by Baty Khan’s troops in 1240 and during the so-called “dark ages”, healthcare in the lands of the Kyiv and other Slavic principalities has been mainly taken care of by the monasteries, as well as by the cities vested with the Magdeburg Right. It is concluded that the Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk of 1710, almost eighty years before the first constitutions of France or the United States, normalized the modern model of organization of the public (state) power in Ukraine, based on the principles of democracy. Although the healthcare administration issues have remained unresolved, since the 18th century they have been the subject of the public administration by the local communities. In the future (19th – the beginning of the 20th century) the development of the mechanism of the public administration in the field of healthcare in Ukraine was determined by the corresponding state policy of the Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires, which included the Ukrainian lands.

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