
Migmatitic, granulite‐grade mafic gneisses make up a significant part of the Kapuskasing Structural Zone (KSZ), Ontario. Although they contain a common mineral assemblage [hornblende (Hbl)+plagioclase (Pl)+diopside (Di)±garnet (Grt)+quartz (Qtz)±titanite (Ttn)], the mafic gneisses show wide variations in modal mineralogy from hornblende‐rich to diopside+garnet‐rich varieties and all gradations between. Up to 25 vol.% segregated plagioclase+quartz‐rich (trondhjemitic) leucosome (Tdh) is intimately associated with the mafic gneiss, occurring in a continuum of patches, veins and transecting dykes at scales ranging from decimetres to micrometres. The texture and composition of the leucosome, combined with P‐T estimates for the host rocks above the solidus, suggest it represents crystallized trondhjemitic melt. Quartz is mainly restricted to the segregated leucosomes but more rarely occurs in a variety of interstitial textures in the mafic gneiss, suggesting that it crystallized from a melt phase rather than having been present as a solid phase at peak metamorphic conditions. Modal and textural data indicate a reaction relationship of the form: Hbl+Pl(+Qtz?)=Grt+Di+Ttn+leucosome (Tdh), implying that the granulite‐forming process involved dehydration melting of an amphibolite protolith. Pressure‐temperature estimates from Grt+Di+Pl+Qtz geothermobarometry are 9 kbar and 685‐735 °C; however, based on experimental studies of dehydration melting of amphibolite, we estimate that peak conditions were closer to 11 kbar, 850 °C. Mass balance analysis, using the technique of singular value decomposition, and reaction space analysis were used to quantify the reaction and to determine the controls on reaction progress. The following mass balance provides a model for the natural reaction:1.00 Hbl+0.92 Pl+3.76 Qtz=1.14 Grt+1.54 Di+0.21 Ttn+1.49 Tdh+0.14 ‘pg’+0.39 Fe−1Mg+0.33 NaSiCa−1Al−1where ‘pg’ is a pargasite‐like exchange. In all model mass balances tested, quartz is a reactant with a large coefficient. We argue that the abundance of quartz in the amphibolite protolith was the primary control on the differing extents of reaction observed. Mineral compositional variation exerted a secondary control on reaction progress, with Fe‐richer layers containing An‐richer plagioclase and more actinolitic amphibole reacting earliest (i.e. at lowest temperatures). Comparison of the calculated amount of melt produced in the gneisses with that now observed implies expulsion of 5–30% of the melt. These volumes are similar to those predicted from REE modelling of Archaean tonalities and trondhjemites from a garnet amphibolite source, suggesting that the KSZ mafic gneisses may be representative of partially depleted source rocks for trondhjemite‐tonalite generation.

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