
Over the past decades, the interconnection of intergovernmental relations with ethno-territorial, separatist political processes has been growing. The urgency of the topic is determined by the transformation of the modern system of international relations and the increasing importance of settling both old and new conflicts and stabilizing the domestic political situation in certain regions of the world in shaping the agenda of world politics. One of the main sources of conflictuality is the South Caucasus region, where the issue of operational and preventive action of international organizations in the sphere of stabilization of political life in the southern Caucasian countries remains relevant. The scientific task was a comprehensive revision of occurrence, exacerbation and escalation processes in the South Caucasus to track common and different evolutionary conflict models in these countries, to find out the main obstacles to their long-term settlement in terms of their relevance for Ukraine in the conditions of aggression of the Russian Federation against our state, and to identify in this context possible ways and means for an effective counteraction against the aggressor in order to stabilize and achieve a long-term resolution of the conflict. This article analyses the systemic nature of military conflicts and political crises in the region of South Causasus, traces the main conflict factors and destabilization in the evolutional context of Georgian-Abkhazian, Georgian-South Ossetian and Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. It features occurrence, escalation, de-escalation and «freezing» of conflicts, traces their common evolutionary model, outlines the main problems of their settlement. This research is particularly urgent because of recent escalation in the Eastern Ukraine and necessary search for long-term and effective conflict-resolution mechanisms. The methodological background is formed by general scientific principles of objectivity, pluralism and systemicity in order to avoid excessive and unjustified criticism and to achieve a formulation of balanced and unbiased conclusions. A comprehensive approach is used for wide-ranging research for getting a general idea of the complex of relationships and processes that create a multilevel and complex conflict phenomenon in the South Caucasus region. Key words: South Caucasus; conflict potential; disintegration; destabilization; «frozen conflicts»; internationalization and resolution of conflicts.

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