
The past decade was characterized by a strong increase in the number of studies of the geochemistry of halogens in magmatic systems. It has been estab� lished that, in spite of the low concentration, halogens play an important role in the evolution of magmatic systems and related ore deposits [1]. Of special interest is the behavior of halogens in kimberlite and carbon� atite. The finds of syngenetic phlogopite containing up to 0.5 wt % Cl [2] and chloride inclusions in diamonds [3–5], olivines [6], and calcites [7] have provided unambiguous evidence for participation of halogens in the formation of kimberlite. However, the key prob� lems of the quantitative proportions of halogens in magmatic systems and their fractionation between the melt and the fluid phase upon cooling and crystalliza� tion of magma in the Earth’s crust have not yet been studied [1].

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