
Recently, we described a pathway analysis technique (paper 1) for analyzing generic schemes for single-molecule kinetics based upon the first-passage time distribution. Here, we employ this method to derive expressions for the Poisson indicator, a normalized measure of stochastic variation (essentially equivalent to the Fano factor and Mandel's Q parameter), for various renewal (i.e., memoryless) enzymatic reactions. We examine its dependence on substrate concentration, without assuming all steps follow Poissonian kinetics. Based upon fitting to the functional forms of the first two waiting time moments, we show that, to second order, the non-Poissonian kinetics are generally underdetermined but can be specified in certain scenarios. For an enzymatic reaction with an arbitrary intermediate topology, we identify a generic minimum of the Poisson indicator as a function of substrate concentration, which can be used to tune substrate concentration to the stochastic fluctuations and to estimate the largest number of underlying consecutive links in a turnover cycle. We identify a local maximum of the Poisson indicator (with respect to substrate concentration) for a renewal process as a signature of competitive binding, either between a substrate and an inhibitor or between multiple substrates. Our analysis explores the rich connections between Poisson indicator measurements and microscopic kinetic mechanisms.

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