
Recent work has emphasized that the empirical rate equation for batch dissolution of a solid consists of a forward term involving the surface area minus a back reaction term involving surface area and concentration of dissolved solid. Integrated forms exist for use at extremes of high under-saturation and of very heavy solid loadings which lead to saturation. A middle condition allows for significant decrease in solid supply and simultaneous arrival at saturation. This study tests the three approaches simultaneously to the batch dissolution of gypsum, thereby demonstrating a consistent applicability of the afore-mentioned rate equation. Previously, some mineral dissolutions have displayed so-called nonlinear kinetics and hence have not appeared to conform to this rate equation. This paper provides a template for future investigation of those situations; dissolution experiments are not easy to perform, and instances of the so-called nonlinear kinetics may represent experimental artefact. The relationship between this empirical approach and that of Transition State Theory used in mineral dissolution is discussed, and a new, linear proof for the applicability of the ‘middle ground’ equations is demonstrated. Stirring experiments highlight the difference between the conditions in fluidized bed and laminar flow reactors. Gypsum dissolution is found to be transport limited at all but very vigorous laboratory stirring conditions, although the relationship between the rate of shrinkage of gypsum particles and stirring seems to be relatively simple. A stirring factor is applied to the rate equation overall to allow for differences in reactor design, and it is suggested that this should also be applicable to laminar flow reactors. The link between batch and chemo-stat dissolutions is stressed, together with a need to contour dissolution data on a new graph of particle size versus stirring rate.

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