
Non-molecular and atpB−rbcL spacer sequence datasets for 38 taxa representing Cyathodes Labill. sensu lato and its relatives, together with several outgroups from Styphelieae, Oligarrheneae, Epacreae and Archerieae, were subjected to cladistic analyses. The monophyly of Cyathodes sensu Weiller, Leptecophylla Weiller, Lissanthe R.Br. sensu Crayn et al. and Planocarpa Weiller is supported. Cyathopsis Brongn. & Gris is expanded to include two other New Caledonian species, Styphelia violaceospicata (Guillaumin) McPherson and S. albicans (Brongn. & Gris) Sleumer. Androstoma Hook.f. is redefined to include Leucopogon milliganii (F.Muell.) Rodway. Leucopogon durus Benth. is transferred to Acrotriche R.Br. Two new genera are described: Acrothamnus C.J.Quinn, comprising at least five species in eastern Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea and the Pacific; Agiortia C.J.Quinn, comprising three species in north-eastern New South Wales and south-eastern Queensland. Keys to the species of Acrothamnus, Agiortia, Androstoma and Cyathopsis are provided.

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