
Let $p$ be a prime number, $d\in\mathds{N}$, $\left(\frac{-d}{p}\right)=-1$, $m>2$, and let $E_m$ denotes the set of of residue classes modulo $p^m$ over the ring of Gaussian integers in imaginary quadratic field $\mathds{Q}(\sqrt{-d})$ with norms which are congruented with 1 modulo $p^m$. In present paper we establish the polynomial representations for real and imagimary parts of the powers of generating element $u+iv\sqrt{d}$ of the cyclic group $E_m$. These representations permit to deduce the ``rooted bounds'' for the exponential sum in Turan-Erd\"{o}s-Koksma inequality. The new family of the sequences of pseudo-random numbers that passes the serial test on pseudorandomness was being buit.

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