
A sampling of umbels of plants growing in full sun and under partial shade was conducted. The objective was to obtain data on the number of fruits formed per flower, fruit, camera (1/6 of capsule), or other part related to seed production in this species. Observation of pollinators shows that the main pollinator is the hummingbird (<em>Cyananthus</em> <em>leantirostris</em>). The number of ruits per umbel varies from 30 to 120. Only a few fruits produced 30 seeds, the highest number found, which represents 0.37 % of the total of 273 observations. One umbel may produce from 30 to 3 600 seeds. The most frequent number of seeds per fruit was from 6 to 10. Plants in full sun produced more fruits than those in the shade. The seed set per fruit was not influenced by the light conditions. Thousand seed mass varies from 6.9 to 7.3 g and the seed number per kg from 137 000 to 144 000.

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