
The nature of warfare has transformed tremendously in the 21st century fundamentally revolving around non-kinetic ideation. The concept of war is getting back to basics by defying the adversary clandestinely. The employment of indirect war tactics without resorting to hot wars against adversaries has produced unprecedented strategic yields. Numerous reasons may be attributed to this new war paraphernalia including the cost of war, entry of technology into the battlefield, the precedence of cognitive domain over physical domain in war, the aristocratic global order and above all the internal fault lines of some states which have ushered a new strategic era in global politics. The emergence of non-strategic forces for strategic purposes has also altered the dynamics of modern warfare. This Article will discuss the generational shifts in warfare with main focus on Pakistan as its major client. The article has also explored some areas of significance for strategists to counter 5GW against Pakistan in a cognitive and non-strategic domain

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