
In the past few decades, glyphosate became the most used herbicide substance worldwide. As a result, the substance is ubiquitous in surface waters. Concerns have been raised about its ecotoxicological impact, but little is known about its generational toxicity. In this study, we investigate the impact of an environmentally relevant concentration of glyphosate and its co-formulants on an F2 generation issued from exposed generations F0 and F1. Trans, inter and multigenerational toxicity of 1 μgL−1 of the active substance was evaluated on early stages of development and juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using different molecular, biochemical, immuno-hematologic, and biometric parameters, behavior analysis, and a viral challenge. Reproductive parameters of generation F1 were not affected. However, developmental toxicity in generation F2 due to glyphosate alone or co-formulated was observed with head size changes (e.g. head surface up to +10%), and metabolic disruptions (e.g. 35% reduction in cytochrome-c-oxidase). Moreover, larvae exposed transgenerationally to Viaglif and intergenerationally to glyphosate and Roundup presented a reduced response to light, potentially indicating altered escape behavior. Overall methylation was, however, not altered and further experiments using gene-specific DNA metylation analyses are required. After several months, biochemical parameters measured in juvenile fish were no longer impacted, only intergenerational exposure to glyphosate drastically increased the susceptibility of rainbow trout to hematopoietic necrosis virus. This result might be due to a lower antibody response in exposed fish. In conclusion, our results show that generational exposure to glyphosate induces developmental toxicity and increases viral susceptibility. Co-formulants present in glyphosate-based herbicides can modulate the toxicity of the active substance. Further investigations are required to study the specific mechanisms of transmission but our results suggest that both non-genetic mechanisms and exposure during germinal stage could be involved.

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