
The concept of generational differences at work is one that has taken off with practitioners as a basis on which to design human resource management (HRM) and career management practices. However, there has been some concern in academic circles about the validity of the notion of generations and the evidence base that supports it. This symposium is built upon discussions at previous Academy of Management Annual Meetings (a Professional Development Workshop in 2011 and a Symposium in 2012), leading to collaboration on an edited book. This symposium presents novel conceptual and methodological perspectives to investigating generational differences at work, alongside new empirical research. This symposium will build on the critical view of generational differences proposed in the 2011 PDW and 2012 symposium and in recent literature (for example Parry & Urwin, 2011) and present six short papers based upon studies arising from these earlier discussions that aim to take the field forward in some way. Our first paper by Lub, Bal, Blomme and Schalk focuses on the link between formative experiences and psychological contracts that different generations have with their employers; second, Sok, Lub and Blomme focus on generational attitudes towards work-life balance; third, Urick presents an identity-based perspective of generations; fourth, Roberto and Biggan examine the stereotypes that people hold about generations and how they identify with these; fifth, Lyons, Ng and Schweitzer use retrospective accounts to examine generational differences in the establishment stage of individuals’ careers; sixth, Unite, Shen, Parry and Demel provide a comparative study of generational differences in factors influencing career success in four countries; and finally, Urwin, Buscha and Parry will present the first steps in developing a methodology to investigate generational diversity more accurately. At the conclusion of these papers, the Chair will lead a discussion between the presenters and audience. Back to basics: Is there a significant generational dimension and where does it cut’? Presenter: Peter Urwin; Westminster U. Presenter: Franz Buscha; Westminster U. Presenter: Emma Parry; Cranfield U. Generational Differences In The Factors Influencing Career Success Across Countries Presenter: Julie Unite; Northern Illinois U. Presenter: Yan Shen; U. of Victoria Presenter: Emma Parry; Cranfield U. Presenter: Barbara Demel; WU Vienna Why do generational differences in psychological contracts exist? Presenter: Xander Lub; Vrije U. Amsterdam / Saxion U. of Applied Sciences Presenter: Matthijs Bal; U. of Bath Presenter: Rene Schalk; Tilburg U. Presenter: Robert Blomme; Nyenrode Business U. Work-Home Values: The Interplay Between Historical Trends and Generational Work-Home Values Presenter: Jenny Sok; Hotelschool The Hague Presenter: Xander Lub; Vrije U. Amsterdam / Saxion U. of Applied Sciences Presenter: Robert Blomme; Nyenrode Business U. Launching a Career: Inter-Generational Differences in the Early Career Stage Presenter: Sean Thomas Lyons; U. of Guelph Presenter: Eddy S. Ng; Dalhousie U. Presenter: Linda Schweitzer; Carleton U. Toward An Identity-based Perspective of Generations Presenter: Michael Joseph Urick; St. Vincent College

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