
The fashion industry has recently shown a keen interest in environmental and sustainability issues. The potential for the sustainable fashion sector is enormous, and shoppers in Generation Z and Millennials who care about the environment are drawn to useful products. Due to their immense potential for use, Gen Z and millennial clients have piqued academics' curiosity. The majority of the time, businesses and organisations use the internet to examine and analyze data for marketing. Particularly during the pandemic, people may express their preferences and opinions more freely based on their experiences with online marketing and shopping. The study's primary objective is to compare purchase intentions as a variable to online marketing tactics using age and gender as moderators. Regression and the Hayes process-macro are the analysis methodologies utilized with SPSS. Findings show that gender does not alter the link between the variables and that among the 4Ds; diversity has no effect on purchase intention. The survey came to the conclusion that the respondents intended to make purchases online, where their age and wealth played a crucial influence, with Desire, Digitalization, and Design as major considerations.

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