
Eukaryotic DNA exists in chromatin, where the genomic DNA is packaged into a fundamental repeating unit known as the nucleosome. In this chromatin environment, our genomic DNA is constantly under attack by exogenous and endogenous stressors that can lead to DNA damage. Importantly, this DNA damage must be repaired to prevent the accumulation of mutations and ensure normal cellular function. To date, most in-depth biochemical studies of DNA repair proteins have been performed in the context of free duplex DNA. However, chromatin can serve as a barrier that DNA repair enzymes must navigate in order find, access, and process DNA damage in the cell. To facilitate future studies of DNA repair in chromatin, we describe a protocol for generating nucleosome containing site-specific DNA damage that can be utilized for a variety of in vitro applications. This protocol describes several key steps including how to generate damaged DNA oligonucleotides, the expression and purification of recombinant histones, the refolding of histone complexes, and the reconstitution of nucleosomes containing site-specific DNA damage. These methods will enable researchers to generate nucleosomes containing site-specific DNA damage for extensive biochemical and structural studies of DNA repair in the nucleosome.

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