
The production of vitamin D2 from ergosterol in mushrooms upon exposure to ultraviolet (UV) irradiation has been well established in recent years. However, the effect of this treatment on the generation of non-vitamin D2 products of ergosterol in mushrooms has not been reported. In this study, the ergosterol-derived photoproducts previtamin D2, lumisterol2 and tachysterol2 were, for the first time, identified and quantified in white button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) following treatment with pulsed UV (PUV) light. Mushrooms were treated with up to 60pulses of PUV irradiation and the formation of major photoproducts was observed to increase as a function of dose. Vitamin D2 was the most abundant product, followed by previtamin D2, lumisterol2 and tachysterol2 in order of decreasing abundance. Untreated mushroom samples were not observed to contain detectable levels of any photoproduct. This study shows for the first time the production of these photoproducts in UV irradiated mushrooms. A complete understanding of the potential biological significance of these products remains to be seen.

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