
AbstractGeneration of strong stationary optical and mechanical squeezing is proposed for the linear‐and‐quadratic optomechanical system, where two cavity modes induce linear and quadratic optomechanical couplings, respectively. Through the linearization treatment, linearized coupling between cavity mode and mechanical mode and the mechanical parametric amplification process are achievable and controllable by independent driving lasers. Optical and mechanical squeezing are generated following different mechanisms. Optical squeezing works in the strong coupling regime, and mechanical amplification would push the system close to instability threshold, which could deeply improve ponderomotive squeezing even significantly beyond the 3 dB squeezing limit. Mechanical squeezing is generated based on the reservoir engineering method, where parametric amplification induces the squeezing transformation of mechanical mode; and linearized coupling, which operates in the red‐sideband and weak coupling limits, induces the ground‐state cooling of transformed mechanical mode. Finally, the original mechanical mode would be squeezed, which could also exceed 3 dB limit.

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