
The anions, neutrals and cations of the isomers HCCCCO, CCCHCO and CCCCHO have been studied by experiment and by theory at the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVDZ//B3LYP/6-31G(d) level of theory. Anions have been synthesised from precursor neutrals in the source of a mass spectrometer. The anion [HCCCCO] − and (a major proportion of) [CCCHCO] − retain their bond connectivity when energised, but theoretical calculations predict that singlet [CCCCHO] − rearranges to singlet [CCCHCO] − over a barrier of only 28 kJ mol −1. However, triplet [CCCCHO] − is stable under these conditions. Neutralisation/reionisation of [HCCCCO] − results in the sequential two-electron vertical oxidation [HCCCCO] −→HCCCCO→[HCCCCO] +, with the doublet neutral being stable for the microsecond duration of the NR experiment. In contrast, neutralisation of [CCCHCO] − and [CCCCHO] − yield HCCCCO in rearrangements which occur during or subsequent to neutralisation of the anions. Two-electron oxidation (charge reversal, − CR + ) of [CCCHCO] − and [CCCCHO] − both produce the rearranged cation [HCCCCO] + in exothermic reactions.

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