
AbstractForest ecosystems are very important and complex ecological units which are vulnerable to degradation and encroachment. Therefore, geospatial maps indicating jurisdiction boundaries and ownership of parcel boundaries are very critical for enforcing forest conservation and protection measures. All State Forest Departments are primarily responsible to create reliable spatial database of all parcels of land which may be defined as forest for the purpose of the FCA 1980. Karnataka has adopted geospatial approach for creation of a robust database indicating the notified forest land boundaries and to provide various institutional mechanisms for dissemination of information to various stakeholders. In this direction, Regional Remote Sensing Centre-South, in collaboration with Karnataka Forest Department, initiated a pilot study to make best use of available technology and information with the different departments to finish the task within a reasonable accuracy, time frame, and cost-effective manner. In the pilot phase, a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was prepared for creation of geospatial database of notified forest lands at cadastral level. On success of the pilot study, a state-level project is initiated to generate GIS database for all Notified Forest lands of Karnataka using high-resolution satellite data, village cadastral maps, GAGAN-based GCPs collected in field survey, and to publish the same georeferenced forest maps for easy reference for general public.The major contribution of this initiative includes generation of ortho-products of HRS data and collection of precise GCPs in field using the GAGAN-based GPS device, georeferencing and edge matching of cadastral maps, and generation of seamless mosaic of these maps at various administrative hierarchies. Remotes sensing data from Cartosat-1 (2.5 m) and Resourcesat LISS-IV (5.0 m) sensors for time frame of February-April months were orthorectified using photogrammetric techniques to generate seamless ortho-products for the state. For each village, corresponding notified forest lands boundary is transferred to cadastral maps and verified by respective Range Forest Officer for generation of notified forestland maps for each village. Cadastral maps along with notified forest maps have been georeferenced using GAGAN-based GCPs and few tie points from the orthoimage. Subsequently, quality checking of cadastral maps, edge matching of adjacent village maps has been carried out using additional GCPs collected along the village boundary and hissa boundary (specific to Karnataka state). After verification of the georeferenced notified forest land maps by respective Forest Range Officer, georeferenced maps were mosaicked at Forest range/division level to generate seamless GIS database for all notified forest lands of Karnataka state. This is the first exercise in the country toward creation of reliable GIS database on notified forest lands which would serve as baseline database for management and conservation of forest lands.KeywordsNotified forest landsGeospatial technologyRemote sensingGISGAGANCadastral mapsOrthorectificationGeoreferencing

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