
Base editors (BEs) are efficient and precise tools for generating single base conversions in living organisms. While most BE systems are limited in mediating C-to-T or A-to-G conversions, recently developed C-to-G base editors (CGBEs) could produce C-to-G transversions. CGBEs convert cytosine within the editing window to abasic intermediates, which would be replaced with any base after base excision repair (BER). By far, though the efficiency and editing scope of CGBEs have been investigated in cultured cells via gRNA library and machine-learning, the viability of CGBEs in generating mouse models has not been adequately tested. In this study, we tested the C-to-G transversion efficiency of the CGBE1 and CGBE-XRCC1 systems in mouse embryos. Our results showed that both of the CGBE systems were able to mediate C-to-G transversion on 2 out of 3 targets tested, with up to 20% frequency within the editing window. Notably, most of the groups showed over 40% of other base conversions, predominantly C-to-T. Lastly, we successfully acquired the F1 mouse carrying a disease-causing mutation. In all, our study suggested that CGBEs systems held great potential in generating mouse models and indicated that XRCC1 based system is applicable in mouse embryos.

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