
Seventeen assertions are made that address the major themes, challenges, and future directions for qualitative health research emanating from the chapters in the Handbook. These assertions address the strength and viability of qualitative health research in pointing to and supporting the biopsychosocial model of health and health care. Challenges in the areas of the nature of evidence, tensions with the biomedical model of health, and knowledge mobilization and exchange in the context of evidence-informed practice translation are addressed. Future directions for qualitative health research include addressing Indigenous and other traditional health practices, improving understanding of multi-system interactions, and incorporating additional qualitative research approaches. The 31 preceding chapters, which constitute the substance of this Handbook, identify, describe and synthesize significant issues in qualitative health research. Importantly, they exhibit an extensive corpus of qualitative health research. The chapters provide reviews of the literature in several significant areas, and point to applications of qualitative health research for engagement in health behavior and the practice of health care. The emphasis on qualitative research in this volume and the evidence of its substantial corpus do not negate those aspects of health and health care that continue to challenge our society. One of our purposes in this final chapter is to highlight the main themes that emerge across these chapters and to identify challenges and directions as the field of qualitative health research moves forward to inform health practice. In the spirit of qualitative research, we have chosen to use Stake’s (2006) notion of assertions to describe these themes, challenges, and directions. In Stake’s view, assertions add to what is reported by drawing on the reservoirs of our own knowledge and experience deepened by our immersion in these chapters.

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