
High concentration artificial pinning centers (APCs), such as BaZrO3 nanorods (BZO 1D APCs) aligned along the c-axis of the high temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) can provide strong pinning of magnetic vortices and are desirable for applications in high magnetic fields. Unfortunately, in YBCO films with single-doping (SD) of BZO 1D APCs, a monotonic decreasing superconducting Tc and critical current density Jc(H) with BZO doping has been observed due to strain field overlap at high-concentration perfectly c-axis aligned BZO 1D APCs. In order to resolve this issue, double-doping (DD) of 2–6 vol% BZO 1D APCs and 3.0 vol% Y2O3 nanoparticles (Y2O3-NPs) in YBCO films has been explored to promote BZO-NR orientation misalignment from the c-axis. Remarkably, a monotonic increasing Jc(H) with BZO 1D APCs concentration has been obtained in the BZO DD samples. Such a microstructure change is evidenced in the much smaller c-lattice parameter expansion of 0.103% in the DD samples as opposed to 0.511% in the SD counterparts and reduced c-axis alignment of the BZO 1D APCs as revealed in TEM. This yields a mixed 1D + 2D + 3D APC morphology and enhanced isotropic pinning with respect to the orientation of the H-field in the BZO DD samples.

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