
The usability of diagrams and models is increasing day by day, because of this we experience problem in searching and accessing from large size repositories of diagrams and models of software systems. This research might be helpful to search and access the diagrams and models in bigger repositories. For this purpose, this research developed linked data repositories which contain UML (Unified Modeling Language) artifacts, these artifacts are being organized with using UML class model. In particular, UML is being broadly applied to data modeling in many application domains, and generating linked data repositories from the UML class model is becoming a challenging task in the context of semantic web. This paper proposes an approach, in which we will build a construction tool by joining the characteristics of RDF (Resource Description Framework) and UML. Firstly we will formally define design artifacts and linked data repositories. After that we will propose a construction tool in which we will extract UML artifacts, these UML class model further transforms into the corresponding RDFs. The generated RDF linked data then will be verified by using W3C RDF, this is a validating service used to generate and verify the RDF triples and graphs. Finally, the proposed construction tool will be implemented with few experiments and research is validated using W3C RDF validating service. The proposed approach aims to give such a design that may facilitate the users to customize linked data repositories so that diagrams and models could be examined from large size data.

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