
Improving public health affects society in many ways. Improved public health can lead to a longer and healthier life. Policymakers cannot address all these criteria at the same time due to both time and budget constraints. Therefore, priority strategies need to be formulated by determining the importance weights of these criteria. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the significance of the strategies determined for the development of public health. For this purpose, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method is considered to define the importance of the strategies. Within this scope, artificial intelligence methodology is integrated with the Spherical fuzzy sets. In this framework, the decision matrix of AHP is obtained by artificial intelligence system. Next, the steps of Spherical fuzzy sets are implemented. The main contribution of this manuscript is considering artificial intelligence methodology to create decision matrix. Hence, the weights of the experts can be computed based on their qualifications. By the help of this condition, it may be possible for the opinion of experts with better qualifications to be taken into consideration with a higher coefficient. This situation has a positive contribution to increase the accuracy of the findings. The findings indicate that accessibility is the most important strategy to improve public health. Similarly, vaccination and preventive services also play a significant role for this situation.

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