
Formulae for calculating the Krull dimension of noetherian rings obtained by the authors and their collaborators are used to calculate Krull dimension for certain classes of algebras. An F-algebra T is said to be tensor Krull minimal (TKM) with respect to a class of F-algebras Ω if K(T⊗B)=K(T)+K(B), for each B∈Ω. We show that generalized Weyl algebras over affine commutative F-algebras, where F is an uncountable algebraically closed field, are TKM with respect to the class of countably generated left noetherian F-algebras. This simplifies the task of calculating many Krull dimensions. In addition, we develop an improved formula for the Krull dimension of a skew Laurent extension D[x,x−1;σ], where D is a polynomial algebra over an algebraically closed field, and σ is an affine automorphism. Finally, we calculate the Krull dimension of the noetherian down–up algebras introduced by Benkart.

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