
We develop a generalized theoretical framework on the binding of transcription factor proteins (TFs) with specific sites on DNA that takes into account the interplay of various factors regarding overall electrostatic potential at the DNA–protein interface, occurrence of kinetic traps along the DNA sequence, presence of other roadblock protein molecules along DNA and crowded environment, conformational fluctuations in the DNA binding domains (DBDs) of TFs, and the conformational state of the DNA. Starting from a Smolochowski type theoretical framework on site-specific binding of TFs we logically build our model by adding the effects of these factors one by one. Our generalized two-step model suggests that the electrostatic attractive forces present inbetween the positively charged DBDs of TFs and the negatively charged phosphate backbone of DNA, along with the counteracting shielding effects of solvent ions, is the core factor that creates a fluidic type environment at the DNA–protein interface. This in turn facilitates various one-dimensional diffusion (1Dd) processes such as sliding, hopping and intersegmental transfers. These facilitating processes as well as flipping dynamics of conformational states of DBDs of TFs between stationary and mobile states can enhance the 1Dd coefficient on a par with three-dimensional diffusion (3Dd). The random coil conformation of DNA also plays critical roles in enhancing the site-specific association rate. The extent of enhancement over the 3Dd controlled rate seems to be directly proportional to the maximum possible 1Dd length. We show that the overall site-specific binding rate scales with the length of DNA in an asymptotic way. For relaxed DNA, the specific binding rate will be independent of the length of DNA as length increases towards infinity. For condensed DNA as in in vivo conditions, the specific binding rate depends on the length of DNA in a turnover way with a maximum. This maximum rate seems to scale with the maximum possible 1Dd length of TFs in a square root manner. Results suggest that 1Dd processes contribute much less to the enhancement of specific binding rate under in vivo conditions for condensed DNA. There exists a critical length of binding stretch of TFs beyond which the probability associated with the random occurrence of similar specific binding sites will be close to zero. TFs in natural systems from prokaryotes to eukaryotes seem to handle sequence-mediated kinetic traps via increasing the length of their recognition stretch or combinatorial binding. TFs overcome the hurdles of roadblocks via switching efficiently between sliding, hopping and intersegmental transfer modes. The site-specific binding rate as well as the maximum possible 1Dd length seem to be directly proportional to the square root of the probability (pR) of finding a nonspecific binding site to be free from dynamic roadblocks. Here pR seems to be a function of the number of nsbs available per DNA binding protein (ϕ) inside the living cell. It seems that pR > 0.8 when ϕ > 10 which is true for the Escherichia coli cell system.

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