
We propose the framework generalized supersoft supersymmetry breaking. "Supersoft" models, with D-type supersymmetry breaking and heavy Dirac gauginos, are considerably less constrained by the LHC searches than the well studied MSSM. These models also ameliorate the supersymmetric flavor and CP problems. However, previously considered mechanisms for obtaining a natural size Higgsino mass parameter (namely, μ) in supersoft models have been relatively complicated and contrived. Obtaining a 125 GeV for the mass of the lightest Higgs boson has also been difficult. Additional issues with the supersoft scenario arise from the fact that these models contain new scalars in the adjoint representation of the standard model, which may obtain negative squared-masses, breaking color and generating too large a T parameter. In this Letter, we introduce new operators into supersoft models which can potentially solve all these issues. A novel feature of this framework is that the new μ term can give unequal masses to the up and down type Higgs fields, and the Higgsinos can be much heavier than the Higgs boson without fine-tuning. However, unequal Higgs and Higgsino masses also remove some attractive features of supersoft supersymmetry.

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