
A central need in the field of astrobiology is generalized perspectives on life that make it possible to differentiate abiotic and biotic chemical systems McKay (2008). A key component of many past and future astrobiological measurements is the elemental ratio of various samples. Classic work on Earth’s oceans has shown that life displays a striking regularity in the ratio of elements as originally characterized by Redfield (Redfield 1958; Geider and La Roche 2002; Eighty years of Redfield 2014). The body of work since the original observations has connected this ratio with basic ecological dynamics and cell physiology, while also documenting the range of elemental ratios found in a variety of environments. Several key questions remain in considering how to best apply this knowledge to astrobiological contexts: How can the observed variation of the elemental ratios be more formally systematized using basic biological physiology and ecological or environmental dynamics? How can these elemental ratios be generalized beyond the life that we have observed on our own planet? Here, we expand recently developed generalized physiological models (Kempes et al. 2012, 2016, 2017, 2019) to create a simple framework for predicting the variation of elemental ratios found in various environments. We then discuss further generalizing the physiology for astrobiological applications. Much of our theoretical treatment is designed for in situ measurements applicable to future planetary missions. We imagine scenarios where three measurements can be made—particle/cell sizes, particle/cell stoichiometry, and fluid or environmental stoichiometry—and develop our theory in connection with these often deployed measurements.


  • Since the recognition that life on Earth is characterized by a striking regularity in the ratio of elements, as originally characterized by Redfield (Redfield 1958; Geider and La Roche 2002; Eighty years of Redfield 2014), stoichiometric ratios have been a primary target of astrobiological measurements and theories (Elser 2003; Young et al 2014)

  • From an astrobiological perspective the natural questions that emerge are how much variation exists in these ratios across the range of environments and biological diversity on Earth, how different ratios could have been in time, how different they could be for non-Terran life, and how they depend on planetary composition (Elser 2003; Young et al 2014; Anbar 2008; Chopra and Lineweaver 2008; Lineweaver and Chopra 2012; Neveu et al 2016; Wang et al 2018; Geider and La Roche 2002)

  • A variety of biological regularities have been discovered for life on Earth that show that organism physiology can be characterized by systematic trends across diverse organisms (e.g. Andersen et al 2016; Brown et al 2004; West and Brown 2005; Savage et al 2004). These trends are often power-law relationships between organism size and a variety of physiological and metabolic features, and are derivable from a small set of physical and biological constraints (Kempes et al 2019). Both physiological features and bulk organism stoichiometries have been previously shown to follow allometric scaling relationships for diverse organisms ranging from bacteria to multicellular plants (Elser et al 1996, 2000; Vrede et al 2004; Kerkhoff et al 2005; Elser et al 2010; DeLong et al 2010; Kempes et al 2012; Edwards et al 2012; Kempes et al 2016, 2017; Finkel et al 2004, 2016a, b; Finkel 2001; Beardall et al 2009; Tang 1995; West and Brown 2005), and so the allometric perspective taken here on stoichiometry could be applied to many levels of biological organization including entire ecosystems (e.g. Elser et al 2000)

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2016, 2017, 2019) to create a simple framework for predicting the variation of elemental ratios found in various environments. We discuss further generalizing the physiology for astrobiological applications. Much of our theoretical treatment is designed for in situ measurements applicable to future planetary missions. We imagine scenarios where three measurements can be made—particle/cell sizes, particle/cell stoichiometry, and fluid or environmental stoichiometry—and develop our theory in connection with these often deployed measurements

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10 Largest Cells
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