
Given a reductive group $G$, we give a description of the abelian category of $G$-equivariant $D$-modules on $\mathfrak{g}=\mathrm{Lie}(G)$, which specializes to Lusztig's generalized Springer correspondence upon restriction to the nilpotent cone. More precisely, the category has an orthogonal decomposition in to blocks indexed by cuspidal data $(L,\mathcal{E})$, consisting of a Levi subgroup $L$, and a cuspidal local system $\mathcal{E}$ on a nilpotent $L$-orbit. Each block is equivalent to the category of $D$-modules on the center $\mathfrak{z}(\mathfrak{l})$ of $\mathfrak{l}$ which are equivariant for the action of the relative Weyl group $N_G(L)/L$. The proof involves developing a theory of parabolic induction and restriction functors, and studying the corresponding monads acting on categories of cuspidal objects. It is hoped that the same techniques will be fruitful in understanding similar questions in the group, elliptic, mirabolic, quantum, and modular settings.

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