
A joint experimental and theoretical investigation of the valence shell excitations of carbon tetrachloride has been performed by fast electron scattering and time dependent density functional theory calculations. At a collision energy of 1.5 keV and an energy resolution of about 70 meV, the dipole-forbidden transition of a1σ* ← 2t1 has been clearly observed at large momentum transfers, and its excitation energy of 6.15 eV and line width of 0.72 eV have been determined. Two new features are also recognized at 9.97 and 10.26 eV. The generalized oscillator strengths of the excited states at 5-11.3 eV have been determined from the measured spectra. The calculated generalized oscillator strength of the a1σ* ← 2t1 transition with the vibronic effect shows better agreement with the experiment, and the vibronic effect also accounts for its nonzero intensity at zero squared momentum transfer. The optical oscillator strengths of the valence shell excitations have also been obtained by extrapolating the generalized oscillator strengths to the limit of zero squared momentum transfer. The integral cross sections have been systematically determined from the threshold to 5000 eV by means of the BE-scaling method. The present oscillator strengths and cross sections provide the fundamental data of carbon tetrachloride and have important applications in photochemical modeling for atmospheric physics.

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