
Abstract Çöken and ÇIFTCI proved that a null Cartan curve in Minkowski space-time E41 is a null Bertrand curve if and only if k2 is nonzero constant and k3 is zero. That is, the null curve with non-zero curvature k2 is not a Bertrand curve in Minkowski space-time E41. So, in this paper we defined a new type of Bertrand curve in Minkowski space-time E41 for a null curve with non-zero curvature k3 by using the similar idea of generalized Bertrand curve given by Matsuda and Yorozu and we called it a null (1, 3)-Bertrand curve. Also, we proved that if a null curve with non-zero curvatures in Minkowski space-time E41 is a null (1, 3)-Bertrand curve then it is a null helix. We give an example of such curves.

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