
The main aim of this study is to solve numerically the mathematical models showing cancer cell invasion of tissue with/without considering the effect of cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion. The mathematical models studied here are the systems of time-dependent reaction-diffusion-taxis equations in one- and two-dimensional spaces, which are formulated in the local and non-local forms. There are some difficulties in finding their solutions via numerical methods. The main difficulty is to compute the non-local term appearing in one of the studied models, which causes more CPU time during simulations. The current paper aims to overcome this problem, where a new meshless method, namely generalized moving least squares (GMLS) approximation in space and a semi-implicit backward differential formula of first-order (SBDF1) in time have been applied. Based on GMLS theory, the non-local term is approximated without any difficulties. Moreover, a simple method based on the GMLS technique is presented to implement the boundary conditions. The obtained discrete scheme for both mathematical models is a linear system of algebraic equations per time step. The biconjugate gradient stabilized (BiCGSTAB) algorithm with zero–fill incomplete lower–upper (ILU) preconditioner is used to solve the obtained linear system at each time step. At the end of this paper, some simulation results are reported to show the behavior of cancer cell invasion in the local model, and the non-local model due to reduction of cell-cell adhesion and increasing cell-matrix adhesion in one- and two-dimensional spaces, where two different types of distribution points have been considered in the square domain. The computational algorithms of the GMLS approximation and the developed numerical method for solving the non-local (local) model are included in the Appendix.

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