
We define generalized Koszul modules and rings and develop a generalized Koszul theory for N-graded rings with the degree zero part noetherian semiperfect. This theory specializes to the classical Koszul theory for graded rings with degree zero part artinian semisimple developed by Beilinson-Ginzburg-Soergel and the ungraded Koszul theory for noetherian semiperfect rings developed by Green and Martinéz-Villa. Let A be a left finite N-graded ring generated in degree 1 with A0 noetherian semiperfect, J be its graded Jacobson radical. By the Koszul dual of A we mean the Yoneda Ext ring Ext_A•(A/J,A/J). If A is a generalized Koszul ring and M is a generalized Koszul module, then it is proved that the Koszul dual of the Koszul dual of A is the associated graded ring GrJA and the Koszul dual of the Koszul dual of M is the associated graded module GrJM. If A is a locally finite algebra, then the following statements are proved to be equivalent: A is generalized Koszul; the Koszul dual Ext_A•(A/J,A/J) of A is (classically) Koszul; GrJA is (classically) Koszul; the opposite ring Aop of A is generalized Koszul. As an application, it is proved that if A is generalized Koszul with finite global dimension then A is generalized AS regular if and only if the Koszul dual of A is self-injective.

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