
The recently observed accelerated expansion of the universe has put a challenge for its theoretical understanding. As a possible explanation of this, it is considered that the most part of the present universe is filled with a form of energy that exerts a negative pressure called dark energy, which drives the acceleration. In the present work, we assume a dynamical dark energy model, where dark energy interacts with matter and grows at the expense of the latter. Using this model, we discuss the evolution of the universe within the context of loop quantum cosmology. Our work successfully explains the presently observed accelerated expansion of the universe, by predicting that the present universe is phantom dominated. We also found that in the past, the expansion of the universe was decelerated one and transition from deceleration to acceleration would occur at $t_{q=0}=0.688t_0$, where $t_0$ is the present age of the universe. Again, our analysis predicted that at the transition time, the universe would be dominated with quintessence type dark energy.

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