
We develop and validate a nonempirical generalized gradient approximation (GGA) exchange (X) density functional that performs as well as the SCAN (strongly constrained and appropriately normed) meta-GGA on standard thermochemistry tests. Additionally, the new functional (NCAP, nearly correct asymptotic potential) yields Kohn-Sham eigenvalues that are useful approximations of the density functional theory (DFT) ionization potential theorem values by inclusion of a systematic derivative discontinuity shift of the X potential. NCAP also enables time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT) calculations of good-quality polarizabilities, hyper-polarizabilities, and one-Fermion excited states without modification (calculated or ad hoc) of the long-range behavior of the exchange potential or other patches. NCAP is constructed by reconsidering the imposition of the asymptotic correctness of the X potential (-1/ r) as a constraint. Inclusion of derivative discontinuity and approximate integer self-interaction correction treatments along with first-principles determination of the effective second-order gradient expansion coefficient yields a major advance over our earlier correct asymptotic potential functional [CAP; J. Chem. Phys. 2015 , 142 , 054105 ]. The new functional reduces a spurious bump in the CAP atomic exchange potential and moves it to distances irrelevantly far from the nucleus (outside the tail of essentially all practical basis functions). It therefore has nearly correct atomic exchange-potential behavior out to rather large finite distances r from the nucleus but eventually goes as - c/ r with an estimated value for the constant c of around 0.3, so as to achieve other important properties of exact DFT exchange within the restrictions of the GGA form. We illustrate the results with the Ne atom optimized effective potentials and with standard molecular benchmark test data sets for thermochemical, structural, and response properties.

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