
We consider the discrete defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation in its integrable version, which is called defocusing Ablowitz–Ladik lattice. We consider periodic boundary conditions with period N and initial data sampled according to the Generalized Gibbs ensemble. In this setting, the Lax matrix of the Ablowitz–Ladik lattice is a random CMV-periodic matrix and it is related to the Killip-Nenciu Circular beta -ensemble at high-temperature. We obtain the generalized free energy of the Ablowitz–Ladik lattice and the density of states of the random Lax matrix by establishing a mapping to the one-dimensional log-gas. For the Gibbs measure related to the Hamiltonian of the Ablowitz–Ladik flow, we obtain the density of states via a particular solution of the double-confluent Heun equation.

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