
The recently constructed generalized finite-volume theory for two-dimensional linear elasticity problems on rectangular domains is further extended to make possible simulation of periodic materials with complex microstructures undergoing finite deformations. This is accomplished by embedding the generalized finite-volume theory with newly incorporated finite-deformation features into the 0th order homogenization framework, and introducing parametric mapping to enable efficient mimicking of complex microstructural details without artificial stress concentrations by stepwise approximation of curved surfaces separating adjacent phases. The higher-order displacement field representation within subvolumes of the discretized unit cell microstructure, expressed in terms of elasticity-based surface-averaged kinematic variables, substantially improves interfacial conformability and pointwise traction and nontraction stress continuity between adjacent subvolumes. These features enable application of much larger deformations in comparison with the standard finite-volume direct averaging micromechanics (FVDAM) theory developed for finite-deformation applications by minimizing interfacial interpenetrations through additional kinematic constraints. The theory is constructed in a manner which facilitates systematic specialization through reductions to lower-order versions with the 0th order corresponding to the standard FVDAM theory. Part I presents the theoretical framework. Comparison of predictions by the generalized FVDAM theory with its predecessor, analytical and finite-element results in Part II illustrates the proposed theory's superiority in applications involving very large deformations.

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