
Let $r$ and $n$ be positive integers, let $G_n$ be the complex reflection group of $n \times n$ monomial matrices whose entries are $r^{\textrm{th}}$ roots of unity and let $0 \leq k \leq n$ be an integer. Recently, Haglund, Rhoades and Shimozono ($r=1$) and Chan and Rhoades ($r>1$) introduced quotients $R_{n,k}$ (for $r>1$) and $S_{n,k}$ (for $r \geq 1$) of the polynomial ring $\mathbb{C}[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$ in $n$ variables, which for $k=n$ reduce to the classical coinvariant algebra attached to $G_n$. When $n=k$ and $r=1$, Garsia and Stanton exhibited a quotient of $\mathbb{C}[\mathbf{y}_S]$ isomorphic to the coinvariant algebra, where $\mathbb{C}[\mathbf{y}_S]$ is the polynomial ring in $2^n-1$ variables whose variables are indexed by nonempty subsets $S \subseteq [n]$. In this paper, we will define analogous quotients that are isomorphic to $R_{n,k}$ and $S_{n,k}$.


  • In this paper we will study recently introduced generalizations of the coinvariant algebra attached to the complex reflection group G(r, 1, n) of r-colored permutations of [n] = {1, 2, . . . , n}

  • The coinvariant algebra attached to Sn is the quotient Rn := C[xn]/In

  • In this paper we studied quotients Rn,k and Sn,k of C[yS] that generalize the coinvariant algebra attached to the complex reflection group Gn

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Haglund, Rhoades and Shimozono [7] defined a generalization Rn,k of Rn for any pair of integers 0 k n with n 1. In this paper we will prove that these generalized coinvariant algebras have similar quotients of C[yS], in the sense that we have an Sn-isomorphism between Rn,k and Rn,k, where Rn,k is defined as below. When r > 1 Chan and Rhoades [2] define two generalizations of the coinvariant algebra attached to G(r, 1, n). The grading of these modules is controlled by the comaj-statistic on Fn,k and OPn,k, and they describe a Garsia-Stanton type basis in this case as well.

Ordered set partitions and Gn faces
Garsia–Stanton type bases for generalized coinvariant algebras
Grobner theory
An intermediate quotient
A Grobner theory result
This was observed above
Multi-graded Frobenius series
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