
In this paper, Generalized Aggregated Uncertainty measure 2 (GAU2), as a newuncertainty measure, is considered to evaluate uncertainty in a localization problem in which cameras’images are used. The theory that is applied to a hierarchical structure for a decision making to combinecameras’ images is Dezert-Smarandache theory. To evaluate decisions, an analysis of uncertainty isexecuted at every level of the decision-making system. The second generalization of AggregatedUncertainty measure (GAU2) which is applicable for DSmT results is used as a supervisor. TheGAU2 measure in spite of the GAU1 measure can be applied to the problems with vague borders orcontinuous events. This measure may help to make decisions based on better preference combinationsof sensors or methods of fusion. GAU2 is used to evaluate uncertainty after applying classic DSmTand hybrid DSmT with extra knowledge. Therefore by using the decision making system, results withless uncertainty are generated in spite of high conflict sensory data.

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