
Operationally-deployed canine detectors are often trained on one or a limited number of materials representing a single target odor, and training frequently occurs using materials of a high purity grade in controlled scenarios with minimal other background odors. Conversely, in the field, canine detectors are expected to generalize and identify variations of the target odor, while discriminating from similar extraneous or background odors. This exemplifies the balance between generalization and discrimination required for effective canine detectors.This research explored the tendency for detection canines to generalize or discriminate between similar odorants. Two groups of related odorants were used in two separate studies; (1) odorants of similar functional groups with differing carbon chains, and (2) odorants of similar carbon chain length but differing functional groups. Within each odorant set, the effect of training was addressed by incrementally increasing the number of odorants each canine was trained to detect.Initially, discrimination increased with increasing molecular dissimilarity in both odorant groups. After further training on additional related odorants, generalization increased across the set of odorants of the same carbon chain length, but there were no significant changes in either generalization or discrimination across the set of odorants of the same functional group. The results suggest that the canines in this study were more likely to generalize across compounds of the same chain length with differing functional group than across compounds of the same functional group, but differing chain lengths. Furthermore, some variation in performance between individual canines indicated that the tendency to generalize differed with experience, breed, and other factors affecting olfaction.

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