
1. Generalist enemies can regulate low‐density forest insect populations, and are widely considered to cause greater mortality in more diverse habitats. Forest tent caterpillars (Malacosoma disstria Hübner; FTC) are a major defoliator of aspen (Populus tremuloides Micheaux) in the boreal forest, a region with a mosaic of forest stand types. This heterogeneity may influence FTC outbreaks if generalist predation or parasitism differs among stands of different tree composition.2. Using exclusion experiments we estimate predation and parasitism of FTC across multiple life‐history stages in low‐density populations occupying both aspen (low diversity) and mixedwood stands (high diversity).3. Arthropod and avian generalist predators were responsible for most natural enemy‐caused mortality of immature FTC, but their relative impacts varied among FTC life‐history stages. Contrary to expectation, predation on late instar larvae and pupae was higher in the less diverse aspen stands and early instar mortality did not differ.4. By considering multiple life‐history stages, our results provide a more comprehensive view of natural enemy‐caused morality of immature FTC. Because generalist predation on FTC was higher in aspen than in mixedwood stands, we suggest that FTC populations may be slower to reach outbreak levels in aspen stands.

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