
An equation governing the evolution of a Hele-Shaw free boundary flow in the presence of an arbitrary external potential – generalised Hele-Shaw flow – is derived in terms of the Schwarz functiong(z,t) of the free boundary. This generalises the well-known equation ∂g/∂t= 2∂w/∂z, wherewis the complex potential, which has been successfully employed in constructing many exact solutions in the absence of external potentials. The new equation is used to re-derive some known explicit solutions for equilibrium and time-dependent free boundary flows in the presence of external potentials, including those with singular potential fields, uniform gravity and centrifugal forces. Some new solutions are also constructed that variously describe equilibrium flows with higher order hydrodynamic singularities in the presence of electric point sources and an unsteady solution describing bubbles under the combined influence of strain and centrifugal potential.

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