
Effective legal means of regulating relations between business entities and preventing violations of the latter's rights and interests protected by law include compliance by the participants of business relations, including business entities, state authorities, etc., with the requirements of current legislation. That is, such a legal regime is desirable, within which the best way to protect the rights of business entities is to prevent violations of the rights of these entities and, as a result, the absence of the very need to renew rights.
 It is clear that such a preventive influence on the behavior of business entities is the result not only of the conscientious behavior of the participants in economic relations, but, most likely, the consequence of the regulatory influence on the behavior of these entities of the norms of current legislation, which contains binding, prohibitive and other legal prescriptions (requirements), the existence of which is aimed at preventing violations of the rights and legally protected interests of business entities and restoring these rights and interests in cases of their violation, non-recognition or dispute.
 The need to protect subjective rights and interests arises primarily in connection with illegal behavior. However, protection can also take place in the event of a threat of violation of the right in the future, which may not always be considered illegal behavior.
 The threat may arise due to the actions of the right holder himself, for example, in connection with the loss of the corresponding document. Defense is also allowed in case of violation of interest by non-illegal behavior. A person can apply to the court for protection in the event of a conflict between his interests and the interests of other participants in the legal relationship, and even when the behavior of each of them is lawful.
 The subject of research in the article is specific norms of constitutional, civil, economic and administrative law, which establish legal guarantees of ensuring and protecting entrepreneurial activity by the norms of national law.

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