
The basic problem of the diffraction of an optical plane wave by an acoustic plane wave in an anisotropic homogeneous medium is considered. The acousto-optical interaction is considered indifferently of the isotropic or of the birefringent type. Coupled-wave equations are obtained rigorously and cast into an eigenvalue value problem. A general solution is obtained for the diffraction efficiency of diffracted orders, for any interaction length and diffraction regime. The theory includes the Bragg regime, the Raman-Nath regime, and all intermediate situations in the same formulation. The method of solution is both exact and computationally efficient. It is similar in character to the rigorous coupled-wave analysis of Moharam and Gaylord but differs by the choice of basis functions adapted to propagating rather than static gratings. Examples are given for acousto-optical interaction in paratellurite, TeO2.

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