
Background:Epilepsy is a heterogeneous condition with numerous etiologies. Pituitary tumors are rarely responsible for generalized convulsions except when they are very large. Apart from anecdotic cases, only one study concerning epilepsy frequency in male macroprolactinomas is available in Medline. Our aim was to analyze epilepsy frequency and conditions under which seizures appear and disappear in men harboring macroprolactinomas or somatolactotroph adenomas.Materials and Methods:We retrospectively analyzed 90 men with macro-adenomas (>1 cm) secreting prolactin (PRL) (n = 82) or both PRL and growth hormone (n = 8) to look for generalized seizures. We took into account familial and personal medical history, clinical examination, routine and hormonal analyzes, and radiological assessment based on cerebral magnetic resonance imaging.Results:Between 1992 and 2012, we collected eight cases (8.9%): Seven were hospitalized for recent generalized seizures; one had epilepsy after conventional radiotherapy given in 1992 because of neurosurgery failure and resistance to bromocriptine. Their median age was 33.75 years (22-58), median PRL was 9,198 ng/ml and median tumor height was 74 mm (41-110). The temporal lobe was invaded in six cases. After tumor reduction, epilepsy disappeared and never relapsed after a follow-up varying between 1 and 20 years.Conclusion:Epilepsy, which is a life-threatening condition, can be the first presentation in men with prolactinomas or somatolactotroph adenomas, especially those involving the supra sellar area, and the brain. Convulsions can also appear after radiotherapy. That one should be avoided, if possible, before tumor reduction by surgery or medical treatment.

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